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Ongoing Advancements in the Field of Medicine

Some of the latest advances in medicine include engineering genetics to aid cancer treatment, growing artificial organs and tissues for transplant, and smart pills. All of these advances are examples of changes in medical treatments brought on by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Advances in genomics, genetic engineering, data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are transforming healthcare and medicine.

Smart-Phone Connected Pacemakers

Implantable medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators send electrical impulses to the heart muscle chambers to help contract and pump blood through the body. These medical devices prevent or correct arrhythmias which can be remotely monitored by a physician. The latest advancements in pacemakers and defibrillators feature Bluetooth capability that connects them to wearers’ smartphones. Patients can track their cardiac treatment using a mobile app that gives them greater insight into the health data communicated from the pacemaker to the physician.

Respiratory illnesses are some of the world’s most common medical conditions. Millions of people in the United States suffer from different forms of lung disease, which is primarily caused by cigarette smoking, infectious viruses, and inherited gene traits. Brunswick Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine has years of experience testing and treating pulmonary diseases, sleep disorders, asthma, bronchitis, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Their team of specialists use state-of-the-art testing facilities and have a proven track record of quality patient care. They can treat symptoms of COPD, chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, lung cancer, pulmonary arterial hypertension (HP), tuberculosis, sleep apnea, sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and occupational lung diseases caused by long-term exposure to harmful irritants. Your respiratory health won’t improve by itself, and most respiratory illnesses worsen over time. The best way to improve your lung function and quality of breathing is to see a lung specialist.


Increased Access to Telemedicine

COVID-19 has challenged clinicians to adopt telemedical practices to deliver patient care online. The wide-spread adoption of a virtual care model is due in large part to fundamental policy shifts at both the federal and healthcare provider levels. State and federal regulators have acted quickly to reduce barriers to telehealth based on the understanding that virtual care speeds access to medical care while protecting healthcare workers and community members.

Regenerative Medicine

The cartilage in your knees wears out with age and doesn’t regenerate, leaving you to either rely on painkillers or undergo a cartilage replacement operation. Advances in stem-cell technology could play a big role in regenerating different parts of the body. Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that creates methods for regenerating, repairing, or replacing damaged or diseased cells, organs, and tissues. Ongoing advancements in regenerative medicine could help repair cardiac damage from a heart attack or allow for the growth of body tissues or organs needed for transplant.



Immunotherapy is the newest innovation in cancer treatment and will soon become the cornerstone of oncology. The therapy uses the body’s immune system to fight disease by either stimulating or suppressing an immune response. The use of antibodies in lymphoma and leukemia treatments helps the immune system identify and destroy harmful cells more easily. The ongoing progress in understanding cancer at a cellular level shows that the immune system can effectively eliminate naturally occurring cancer cells.

Medical research is essential to medical breakthroughs and advancements. Funding for research can often be challenging to obtain, especially when it comes to myocarditis research. Eliminating myocarditis progression, heart dysfunction, heart failure, and sudden death through community awareness is the mission of the Myocarditis Foundation. They sponsor myocarditis research grants for professionals researching a cure for heart disease. The foundation works to educate both professionals and the public about myocarditis by sponsoring research grants, public education, and political activism. By supporting research, the treatment for myocarditis will become safer, more accurate, and faster-acting.


Precision Medicine

Precision medicine allows for customized medical treatments based on an individual patient’s genetic and biological makeup, environment, and lifestyle. This personalized approach is replacing “one size fits all” therapies that prescribe the same medications to all patients. Advances in genome mapping allow medical treatments to be tailored to a patient’s genetic makeup. Genome mapping can now be completed faster and more cost-efficiently which means the practice could be used regularly to make informed medical decisions.

Many people don’t worry about their oral health until there is something noticeably wrong. Gum discomfort or bleeding could be a sign of periodontal disease or gum disease. It’s usually caused by bacteria in plaque buildup that causes inflammation. Dentists or specialists can treat the mild form of periodontal disease, gingivitis. It can progress to periodontitis if left untreated.

The Rutgers School of Dental Medicine’s periodontics team treats periodontitis with the least invasive methods possible. Depending on the progression of periodontitis oral surgery and dental implants may be necessary to treat severe cases. At the first sign of red, swollen, bleeding gums you need to schedule an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible.


Fixing Defective Genes

Over 10,000 diseases are caused by genetic mutations which is why techniques to fix defective genes are being developed. The genetic mutation sickle-cell anemia damages organs and provokes stroke and death. Gene therapy could be an effective treatment that collects a patient’s stem cells, genetically alters them, and replaces them in the body to create healthy blood cells.

With all the ongoing advances in medicine, it’s important that healthcare providers adhere to regulatory compliance and health care laws. Moore Law Firm provides a high quality of legal services to injury victims who have been injured by no fault of their own. Their personal injury attorneys handle medical malpractice, personal injury, dog bite cases, dangerous drugs, and medical devices, defective products, traumatic brain injury, negligence, and wrongful death. During a free consultation with a personal injury attorney in Mobile, AL, you can seek legal advice about your ability to file and win a personal injury case and the maximum compensation you can fight for. Victims of negligence can turn to a personal injury lawyer to help them get through a difficult time.


Internet of Medical Things

Remembering to take the correct dosage of prescription medication at the right time every day can be difficult. A new pill that contains sensors can record when it is ingested and transmit the information to a topical patch worn by the patient. The information can be viewed on a smartphone to ensure medication is taken properly. This practice has been used to treat some types of mental illnesses.

These smart pills are one of many ideas on the internet of medical things (IoMT), which uses networks of connected devices to capture vital real-time data. Telemedicine also falls under the IoMT as patients can use wearable medical devices to measure blood pressure, monitor glucose levels, and test blood samples.


Universal Hepatitis C Treamtent

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) classifies hepatitis C as a silent epidemic and major public health issue in the United States. Hepatitis C can lead to liver failure, cirrhosis, and liver cancer if left untreated. There is no vaccine for the virus and access to the medication has been limited. Advances in treatments have led to a fixed-dose combination of medication that can be used to universally treat and improve hepatitis C.

2020 has seen several ongoing advances in medicine that will continue for the decade to come. Advances in medicine allow medical professionals to better diagnose, treat, and in some instances, cure, medical diseases, and conditions that affect the quality of life.


Tips for Managing the Onset of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a crippling neurodegenerative disease that stems from the development of certain proteins in the brain. This protein development affects how the brain functions and progressively damages the brain’s nerve cells. As the disease advances, the symptoms also get worse.

Although the disease is terminal in its late stages, it does not directly kill the patient. Instead, the complications from the symptoms are what result in a patient’s eventual passing. Common complications include pneumonia, reduced brain function, and dementia.

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis can feel like a devastating blow, especially when you do not know what symptoms to expect. However, the more you learn about the disease and the help that is available to you and your loved one, the more adept you become at planning for the future. To help you along with this journey, we’ve put together a few tips to help you or your loved one manage the symptoms of this difficult condition.

1. Take your medication as prescribed.


While there is still no FDA approved cure for Alzheimer’s, your healthcare provider can prescribe medication that can help alleviate its symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Most of the prescribed medication work to regulate and maintain acetylcholine levels in the brain. This is a neurotransmitter (think of it as the body’s chemical messenger) that helps with memory. Other prescribed medication like Memantine works to minimize the symptoms of excess glutamate secretion.

Alzheimer’s patients release a large amount of glutamate, a brain chemical that damages brain cells. Additional medication may also include antipsychotics and antidepressants. The reason why these are prescribed is that most Alzheimer’s patients suffer from depression, hallucinations, aggression, and agitation.

If you or a loved one are finding it challenging to re-fill a prescription, prescription referral services like CheapoMeds exist to help you access your prescription conveniently. They will connect you to an international network of CIPA certified pharmacies and pharmacists who will help you access affordable prescription and non-prescription medication. Working with the Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation (CPPI), they also make it possible for you to import medication from Canada.

Understanding that a majority of salaried, low-income patients and elderly Americans struggle to afford the high cost of prescription medications in the United States, they will link you to licensed Canadian pharmacies and allow you access to affordable medication for your personal use. This partnership also allows you immediate access to much-needed medication for other terminal health conditions.

2. Take up therapeutic activities.


Caregivers may sometimes find it difficult to find or even plan significant activities for their loved ones living with Alzheimer’s. To get over this hurdle, begin by selecting activities that spark or sparked your loved one’s interests, as this is a great way to get them engaged. This is an important first step as most Alzheimer’s patients go through a series of turbulent behavioral changes which sometimes manifest as frustration, agitation, anger, or depression. Knowing this, therapeutic activities that are linked to their interests can be a great way to help them take advantage of the abilities and memories that they still have.

The key to having a successful therapeutic exercise is making sure that the activity becomes a habit. A great way to do this is to establish a routine. Have the activity at the same time, or at the same location, to maintain a sense of balance. Previously enjoyed hobbies like singing, playing an instrument, bird watching, gardening can be beneficial, while also helping to relieve symptoms such as agitation.

Some of the therapeutic activities that have been researched and found to alleviate behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer’s patients include arts and crafts, pet therapy, baking, and walking.

3. Consider a holistic approach to wellness.


Taking a holistic approach to wellness involves pursuing a form of healing that accounts for the individual’s spirit, mind, body, and emotions. The health and wellness industry has been buzzing about CBD, and if you live in a state that has legalized its use, then this may come as no surprise to you. The beauty industry is constantly churning out CBD infused lotions and bath bombs, spas offer CBD oil massages and facials, and now, the health and wellness industry is also exploring ways to incorporate CBD in medical treatments.

To begin with, cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the two most common cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemicals found in marijuana plants. THC is another well-known cannabinoid and is responsible for having a psychoactive effect or a “high” feeling on the user. On the other hand, CBD is non-psychoactive and is instead lauded for its calming and relaxing effect. For this reason—and although clinical trials are still ongoing—CBD is medically sought after for its anti-inflammatory and pain management properties treatment of depression, arthritis, anxiety, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s.

CBD oil is helpful to Alzheimer’s patients as it helps them manage some symptoms of the disease. A way in which it does this is by soothing brain inflammation that results from damage caused to the brain tissues. Some Alzheimer’s patients also suffer from anxiety and agitation and other behavioral changes. In cases such as these, CBD oil may help instill a sense of calm and help manage these symptoms.

Another big question to consider is, does Medicare cover medical marijuana or CBD oil? The easy answer to this would be yes, considering how many epilepsy patients benefit from the drug Epidiolex. Epidiolex is the only FDA-approved CBD brand name medication for the treatment of seizures in epilepsy patients. Medicare will sometimes include it in the medication list of costs that it does cover. However, has not yet been legalized on the federal level, consequently, Medicare does not cover prescriptions for medical marijuana. Medication like Nabilone is a synthetic cannabinoid that has been found to reduce aggression and agitation in Alzheimer’s patients. It is still an unapproved drug, and clinical trials are still ongoing.


With a booming CBD manufacturing industry and a growing American consumer interest in wellness and alternative treatments, it can be difficult to tell apart authentic CBD products stockists from money-hungry ones. Additionally, pending FDA approval on medical marijuana use, makes all the more difficult to know what products you can trust. To avoid this, here are some things to look out for in your CBD products stockist:

  • Consider how the product is extracted. Companies like Basic CBD are very forthcoming with information on their extraction methods. Knowing how a CBD product is extracted allows you to understand the quality of the brand as well as the CBD.
  • Confirm that the CBD products are either full-spectrum or broad-spectrum.
  • Consider where and how the company sources its CBD.
  • Consider third-party testing reports. Third-party testing or independent lab testing is important as it provides an impartial review of the company’s CBD product. These tests also look into the potency, quality, and purity of the CBD sample.

More clinical studies are underway to help us better understand the medicinal benefits and side effects that CBD oil may have on the user. Because CBD is still not federally approved, and marijuana use is still highly regulated, research is still limited. Perhaps the legalization of recreational marijuana will make the research process more possible. Until then, make sure you consult your doctor before embarking on a new course of treatment.

Accommodating Employees with Hearing Impairment in a Call Center

If you run your own business, it’s crucial that you’re staying compliant with rules and regulations set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as the ADA. At its heart, this act clearly establishes that businesses must “provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services for people with disabilities.” Regardless of whether they’re working within an office or a movie theatre if a business is not in compliance with these regulations, it can spell serious trouble for that company’s future. As such, it’s important to find ways to help your employees do their work in spite of any disability they might have. That being said, those sorts of accommodations can look radically different, depending on your industry and the size of your company, so it’s important to do some research before diving in.


Running a call center, of course, comes with its own challenges during a normal workweek. However, if you’ve employed someone who’s hard of hearing or has a hearing impairment, it’s important that you’ve thoroughly thought through the sorts of accommodations you’ll need to provide them, to help them stay productive. Here are two key strategies to think about as you work to make your call center more suitable for an employee with a hearing impairment.



Provide hearing aids to your employee if they handle voice calls.



If your employee doesn’t already have a hearing aid, it may be pertinent to provide them with a reliable one, if you have them taking phone calls as part of their work in your call center. When it comes to picking the right hearing aid, it’s important to discuss the possibilities with the employee in question, particularly if they’re self-conscious about their hearing problem. They may also have certain preferences regarding comfort and style that are important to take into consideration, before you make a purchase of a hearing aid.


When it comes to the brands to offer your staff, Phonak hearing aids are definitely worth considering. They provide clear, impressive audio quality for better hearing, and can even be paired to a smartphone device via Bluetooth connections. This makes them much more future-proof than old-school hearing aids and might ultimately mean that your call center agent can stay productive and have a better handle on their customers’ requests.

Implement an omnichannel call center solution.



While implementing hearing aids is a good way to help an individual employee, there are other, more widespread solutions that can play a bigger role in helping all of your customer support team. One way to do this is to adopt an omnichannel call center software solution in your business. A major benefit of using an omnichannel system is that different agents can field customer requests using different communication mediums, at once. This means that if there’s an employee who would rather not handle voice calls or video chats, they can instead field queries from clients via SMS message, email, or even live web chat communication channels.


Another big benefit of using an omnichannel call center platform is that many systems offered to enterprises can be used remotely via the cloud. The ability to offer your staff members the chance to work from home can be a major benefit for employees with hearing issues. This is because, rather than needing to come into the office, which could be noisy or distracting, your employees can access your remote call center software and work from the comfort (and quiet) of their own home. Being able to hire employees with customer experience, but may have since suffered hearing loss, to be remote call center agents thus ensures that you have the ability to expand your team appropriately while still catering to each member of your support team’s individual needs.

Natural Ways to Manage Stress and Pain

Ongoing stress and chronic pain can drastically reduce your overall quality of life and impact both your mental and physical health. Frequent stress can lead to poor sleep patterns, poor diet, and high blood pressure. These symptoms can exacerbate or lead to obesity, heart disease, increased risk of certain cancers, and diabetes — among other serious diseases. Chronic pain can negatively impact your quality of life by itself while also causing increased stress levels, furthering lowering your quality of life.


Too often, people treat stress like a normal part of life while ignoring the health implications that it poses. However, you do not need to live with constant stress or chronic pain. Natural remedies can help alleviate ailments while boosting your overall health and encouraging better daily habits. While non of these suggestions will work immediately, when taken or practiced consistently, you will notice a marked improvement in both stress and pain over time.


1. Yoga



Yoga has been practiced throughout many cultures for generations. It is a combination of movement, stretching, balance, and mindfulness. There are many yoga forms so that can benefit you regardless of your age or physical condition.


You can partake in fast yoga, slow yoga, chair yoga, and hot yoga — to name a few. Yoga works by strengthening your core, which can help with balance, posture, and alignment. Strengthening your core can work to alleviate pain in different parts of the body. Yoga also involves a lot of stretching, which can help with overall muscle pain and stiffness. The practice of yoga involves a level of mindfulness that helps alleviate stress, increase gratitude, and lessen feelings of anxiety.


Check out the yoga classes in your area to reap the benefits of this amazing practice while tailoring to your specific needs. There are many yoga studios in Scottsdale, for example, with the senior population of this area experiencing yoga’s benefits for staying active and managing pain.


2. Hemp and CBD Products



Hemp and CBD products have been shown to help alleviate stress, occasional anxiety, and discomfort without the mental effects of THC. Plain Jane Hemp has created a high-quality, reputable CBD and hemp products line, including CBD cigarettes, hemp flower, CBD oil, and tinctures. These great products can help in many ways, and Plain Jane has made educating the public part of their mission with ample information on CBD, hemp, and its benefits on their website.


3. Meditation



The practice of meditation can increase mindfulness, gratitude, and serenity. Meditation is often part of yoga but can also be practiced in many other ways. There are many different forms of meditation that are utilized in both spiritual ways and non-spiritual. Meditation is practiced in every major religion throughout history and has been shown to help alleviate discomfort and speed up healing.


Meditation also can be as simple as sitting quietly in your car before working or a stressful meeting. Meditation can be done in a group setting with someone leading the practice, or you can listen to a guided meditation in the comfort of your home. There is no wrong way to meditate, as long as it brings you the inner peace intended.


4. Massage



Massage therapy is utilized in many different healthcare settings, including physical or occupational therapy. A licensed massage therapist can work with you to target pain areas and work the muscles to alleviate muscle pain. Different forms of massage utilize different tools and techniques, including deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, and hot stone massage. Getting a massage can also alleviate stress since it’s highly relaxing and forces you to stop moving and lay still for a period of time.

Meeting Your Medical Malpractice Lawyer: How to Dress and What to Prepare

Medical malpractice claims the lives of over 250,000 Americans each year. Hundreds of thousands of other patients may be adversely affected by inadequate medical care. In some cases, individuals must have additional medical procedures to compensate for a doctor’s error. Others may suffer from short-term disabilities or become permanently disabled. The total payout to plaintiffs in medical malpractice lawsuits in the United States was over $4 billion in payments in 2018.

If you believe you’ve experienced medical malpractice, you should meet with a medical malpractice attorney to discuss your claim. Use these tips to locate a lawyer and prepare for your consultation.

Research Attorneys


When you need to hire an attorney, you must find a lawyer specializing in the appropriate field of law. Lawyers review case law that pertains to their area of expertise to ensure they’re aware of the latest rulings and legal precedents that may affect their clients. Perform a Google search for “medical malpractice attorneys” in your area and review their profile. Law firms list the names of the lawyers who work for them. Google search the lawyers’ names to locate their LinkedIn profile and articles about cases they’ve argued. Review any client testimonials on their site and check for reviews of the firm.

Reading this information can help you feel confident about the quality of representation you will receive and give you a sense of which lawyer you would be most comfortable with. Lawyers typically offer a free consultation to potential clients, which means you can meet without assuming any financial risks and get a professional evaluation of your case.

How to Dress


As a client, you are not required to adhere to a dress code, but it’s human nature to form impressions based on how a person presents themselves. You want to convey that you take this legal matter seriously and have made an effort to prepare thoroughly which you can do that by pairing a nice pair of black pants, which are appropriate business formal attire. Complete the look with a dress shirt or a blouse and blazer.

How to Prepare

A medical malpractice case requires the wrongdoing of the medical professional or team that resulted in an injury. You will need to establish the malpractice that occurred and how you were harmed.

Take time to document the series of events that led to your injury. Detailed information, including dates, staff names, locations, and potential witnesses, can be used to verify your account and determine who may be at fault.

If you’re unable to write, make an audio or video recording with the relevant information. Over time, details may become fuzzy, and creating an account with all the details will ensure your information is as accurate and thorough as possible.

You may also want to talk to witnesses who can support your account. If family or friends were present, they might be able to provide additional details about the incident that led to your injury.

What to Bring


Bring copies of all relevant medical records. Insurance claims, prescriptions, and deductible payments can all be used to substantiate when you were treated and what treatment you received.

Have your documentation available by printing them out or email a written account. Video and audio files can also be played via email.

Create a list of relevant witnesses and their contact information. Your attorney can use this information to question witnesses and verify your account. Witnesses may be crucial to your case if you go to court.

Your lawyer will need to know the medical staff’s names involved in your treatment and which staff were parties to the malpractice. You may opt to do some research on any doctors involved to determine if they have a history of malpractice or have settled other cases, or you can let your legal team conduct that researches themselves.

You will also need to establish how the injury you sustained has impacted your life. Your lawyer should know if you have been unable to work, perform routine tasks, or engage in recreational activities.

Keep a file with all receipts for expenses related to your injury. You may have been required to take medications, see a physical therapist, pay for people to clean your home, or have home health aides provide in-home care. These expenses are factors that will be relevant when determining an appropriate settlement.