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How To Help Your Autistic Child Cope With a Big Move

mom teaches to pronounce words using the Doman technique for an autistic child in the yard

Moving to a new home can be a challenging experience for any child, but it can be especially difficult for children with autism. Autistic children often thrive on routine and predictability. Therefore, a significant change, such as moving to a new home, can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and confusion. In this article, we’ll explore some helpful strategies to make the transition as smooth as possible while also keeping their unique needs in mind.

Planning and Preparation

One of the most crucial steps to help your autistic child cope with a big move is planning and preparation. Start by taking the time to explain the upcoming move, even if your child may not fully grasp the concept. Use simple and clear language to discuss the changes that will occur and how they will affect their day-to-day lives. If possible, visit the new home and neighborhood ahead of time, so they can become familiar with their new surroundings.

Prepare a visual schedule to outline the moving process and break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help your child understand what will happen and what to expect. Additionally, involve your child in packing their belongings and setting up their new room. Allowing them to participate will help them feel more in control and reduce anxiety.

Take the time to research local resources, such as schools, parks, and support groups, for children with autism. A resource that may be of interest includes the introduction of Bruno Thomas and Friends. Bruno is the first autistic character in the iconic Thomas and Friends franchise, which may help spark conversations about autism and provide representation for your child.

Maintaining Routine and Familiarity

Autistic children thrive on routine and familiarity. As much as possible, try to maintain your child’s regular schedule during the moving process. This includes keeping consistent mealtimes, bedtime routines, and daily activities. Maintain familiar routines and rules in the new home.

It’s essential to keep your child’s comfort items nearby during the move, such as favorite toys, stuffed animals, or blankets. These items can provide a sense of security amidst their new environment. Once you’re in the new home, set up their room as similarly as possible to their previous room. This will create a sense of familiarity and help them adjust more quickly.

When searching for a new home, consider looking for houses that offer autistic-friendly features. Searching online for “homes for sale in Cincinnati,” or wherever you’re moving, can help you find homes with sensory-friendly rooms, quiet neighborhoods, and other features that cater to your child’s unique needs.

Supporting Emotional Health

Pay close attention to your autistic child’s emotional needs throughout the moving process. Acknowledge their feelings and validate their concerns. Encourage open communication and provide reassurance when needed.

Maintain a calm and soothing atmosphere as much as possible, especially in the face of any overwhelming emotions. If needed, seek the help of therapists, counselors, or support groups to help your child process their emotions and navigate any new challenges associated with the move.

Remember that every child with autism is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be patient, adaptable, and open to learning new strategies that will best support your child during this significant transition.

Continuing Support After the Move

Once you’ve settled into your new home, continue to provide support for your autistic child. Regularly check in with them and ask about any concerns or challenges they may be facing. Offer help with making new friends, adjusting to a new school, or participating in activities to help build a sense of community.

If needed, connect with local resources and professionals who specialize in autism support. This may include therapists, social workers, teachers, or support groups. Staying engaged and connected within your new community will allow your family to build a strong support network, which can be invaluable for both you and your child.

Finally, celebrate the small victories and milestones as your child adjusts to their new environment. Recognize their growth and progress, acknowledging the immense courage and strength it takes for them to navigate such a significant change.

Overall, helping your autistic child cope with a big move requires planning, patience, and empathetic support. By keeping the lines of communication open, maintaining routines, seeking professional guidance, and celebrating their progress, you and your child can successfully transition into your new home and embrace the opportunities that come with it.

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