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What to Do If You Lose Your Eyelashes During Chemo

A cancer diagnosis certainly sends a scare through our system that leaves us feeling helpless and unsure. If you find yourself in this precarious and frightening situation, it’s important to find a few things to use as anchors. One thing to make sure of immediately is that you have a team of medical professionals that you trust, doctors who have developed an understanding of following a patient through treatment, assuring them they are never left asking questions. Whether it’s an ultrasound, an MRI, chemotherapy, or radiation, find radiology services in New Jersey that keep patients focused on the road ahead and well-informed about their treatment and options.

While doctors and radiologists focus in on curing our ailments, there are also major changes to our everyday life to consider. Of course, the biggest change for most of us is hair loss, and for women, it’s sometimes more difficult to accept. One of the common symptoms associated with chemotherapy is hair loss in the scalp. However, eyebrow and eyelash hair are also susceptible to falling out, as part of alopecia associated with side effects of chemo. Some women opt to use fake eyelashes during this time. If that’s something you’d consider, here are a few things to know.

Faux Lashes


Faux mink lashes have emerged as a new way for patients to replace eyelashes temporarily, while providing the comfort of knowing that these synthetic lashes look like the real thing. Silk lashes, mink lashes, and other false eyelash sets are available at most drugstores and cosmetic counters, as well as online. Prices may vary, but you can be assured of the latest technology and patient safety in higher-quality, sometimes higher priced, sets.

If you have not used false lashes before, they can be a little tricky. In this case, you may want to speak with someone at the cosmetic counter who can give you tips or even apply them for you, or check for tips online to prepare you for using of faux mink lashes. Once you’ve mastered a few simple steps you can have luxurious lashes with a realistic curl, perfectly lightweight and designed to fit your eye shape.

Applying Synthetic Eyelashes


False eye lashes can have a natural look and a longer wear with the use of magnetic eyeliner, carefully applied to the roots of the lashes. It’s important to create a line thick enough to maintain the size of the magnetic on faux mink or synthetic lashes. Be sure to also make the line from the inner corner to the outer corner so that the magnets at the end of the lash band hold properly.

The liner should be fairly dry before magnetizing lashes and applying them. For a more natural look, you can soften the lash band to make it softer and better contoured to your eye shape.


If you have long lashes, make sure to get behind your natural lashes so that the synthetic fibers do not interfere with the eyeliner to magnet contact. Once lashes make contact with the magnetic liner, jut grab the lashes near the root and press into place to make sure that the mink hair sets.

These mink lashes will last throughout the day and, when you’re done, simply pull them off gently and clean your eyelids with any oil based cleanser. It is important to gently remove the glue or magnetic liner used.



While we commonly associate mascara with making our eyes pop and lashes looking thick and full, it’s actually not in the best interest of patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.

It’s recommended to avoid heavy mascaras, especially waterproof ones, as those can be too harsh on delicate lashes. Light touches of mascara are acceptable, but removal must be a careful process. Users should refrain from rubbing their eyes to minimize hair loss, or patting lashes to see if they are still there. It’s best to use a cotton ball and a natural eye makeup remover and gently wipe away any makeup from the eyes.

5 Tips for Staying Sober Post Rehab

The days after you leave rehab are incredibly intimidating. When you are staying at a center, there are restrictions in place that prevent temptation as well as resources to help you cope. You are surrounded by people who are in the same position as you and professionals who are eager to help. Outside of those walls, it can be a daunting experience trying to stay sober without having the support that you got from residential treatment centers. You aren’t alone though, and there are a few things that you can do to set yourself up for success.

1. Look for a local center that offers therapy.

Just because you were discharged from a rehab center doesn’t mean your work is done. You will more than likely need to continue therapy in an outpatient program and work with accountability partners who can help you stay clean. As you settle into your new life, it’s important to find support systems in your area similar to the drug rehab centers in Los Angeles, such as CAST Centers. These facilities offer AA meetings and other therapy sessions for you to attend that will keep you accountable for your sobriety and support your mental health.


2. Find new hobbies that you love.

Now that you are sober, you will need something to fill up your time. The hours you spent using may now seem slow and boring if you don’t have anything to do. However, this is a great opportunity to test out a few different hobbies to see what you like and what isn’t for you. If you’re someone who enjoys water sports and being out on the water with a paddleboard or a kayak, take this as an opportunity to get some exercise while also keeping yourself distracted. A fun and active way to keep yourself busy is to enroll yourself in stand-up paddle boarding lessons, or you may just prefer getting into the habit of swimming laps at your local community pool.

Finding a consistent hobby that you enjoy can help you meet new people and form bonds around common interests instead of drugs or alcohol.

3. Identify your personal triggers.

Since your sobriety, your mind may have developed a series of triggers that tempt you to crave drugs or alcohol. These can be caused by stress at work, anxiety about social situations, or environmental cues like parties or concerts. Each person has their own triggers with different levels of power. As an addict, you need to learn yours. Spend some time identifying your own triggers and taking steps to prevent them. This could mean taking yourself out of a situation such as avoiding bars or seeking help for coping with stress.

4. Avoid old routines and toxic relationships.

While in rehab, many beneficial resources are available to you such as meeting with a counselor and identifying certain patterns in behavior. However, when you leave, you may need to evaluate your current lifestyle in terms of your relationships and routines. This will help you to see what you can and can’t return to. Ask yourself if there’s a particular person that causes a trigger in you to want to drink? Do you hang out in places where alcohol and drugs are common? It’s important to identify whether being with certain people or hanging out in certain places tempt you.

Take a close look at each aspect of your life and see what changes you need to make in order to help you stay sober. This doesn’t mean you need to avoid these people or places forever, but you might feel too raw right at first to be around them.


5. Maintain a structured schedule.

One of the main benefits of taking on a hobby such as paddle boarding, surfing, or even gardening is that it gives you a schedule. During the first few weeks or months following rehab, time is your enemy. When you are bored, you are more likely to think about using which can lead you to develop higher stress levels.

Instead, develop a schedule that you can follow every day. Between work, recovery meetings, and your hobbies, most of the day should be accounted for. This routine will also lower your stress levels because you know what to expect each day.

Most importantly, know that you are not alone in your recovery. There are people who want to support you, whether it’s your family, friends, colleagues, counselor, or even other addicts who have been in your shoes. Turn to these resources in order to stay sober and rebuild your life.

5 Ways to Look and Feel Your Best This Fall

Fall is right around the corner. Before we know it, those winter months will be barreling down on us. As the seasons change it is always important to keep your health and beauty regimen up to date. Incorporating small changes in your regimen can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself.

1. Get a facial

Facials are a perfect way to treat yourself every time it changes seasons. Facials cleanse and hydrate your skin while also rejuvenating it. Most facials include exfoliation which is meant to removed dead skin cells and allow new cells to grow. The extra oomph of moisturizer lets the skin soak up nutrients that are meant to promote the health of your skin. If you are looking for an all-natural product to add to your bathroom counter CBD beauty products are a great investment. Infused versions of lotion and mascara are all the rage and will keep you feeling young and beautiful.

2. Go shopping!

Autumn is a great time to bring in some new clothing items. A nice leather jacket is perfect for this time of year and keeps you looking edgy. Many women also opt for the cool womens poncho. Ponchos have gotten a complete overall and look totally different from their original silhouette ten years ago. Current ponchos tend to look more like capes and are available in lots of variations of colors and patterns. They are perfect to wear around the holidays too in case you indulge in a bit too much turkey.

3. Go to the dentist.

While it may not be your favorite tip, we included it because it’s such an important one. Keeping your teeth nice and healthy is key to keeping your self looking healthy and feeling good about yourself. Regular cleaning to remove plaque build-up is imperative. By putting off the dentist the plaque helps bacteria grow that can cause gum disease. Many dentists also offer fluoride treatments that help strengthen your tooth enamel. You’ll feel better knowing you don’t have any cavities and can continue smiling right on through fall.

4. Walk more.

Did you know that walking is one of the most underrated ways to exercise? Nowadays many of us have step trackers to keep us moving about and not stagnant on the couch. Walking has multiple health benefits especially for increasing cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness. Walking can not only reduce your risk of a stroke but improve conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Just walking for 30 mins a day can help clear your head and relieve any stress you may have about the day ahead. Once you start making it a priority you will quickly come to enjoy the special time for yourself. A Stanford University study found that walking increased creative output by an average of 60 percent. Just by walking, you open yourself up to a free flow of ideas and problem-solving. Not only are you getting a good workout, you are boosting your mood as well.

5. Step out of your beauty comfort zone.

We all can tend to get in a rut, especially as summer is winding down and we are preparing for the holidays and cold weather. Instead of letting your self go, try something a bit outside the box. For example, if you usually have clear nails try adding a pop of color to them instead. Or if you wear your hair down to work every day try a cute updo. People will take notice and before you know it you’ll be bombarded with compliments which will make you feel pretty good!