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Alan Scott

Patients recovering with sports exercises

The Process of Recovering From a Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to the spinal cord that can cause loss of muscle function, sensation, or both. SCI can be caused by a number of things, including car accidents, falls, sports injuries, and violence. The extent of the injury depends on the location and severity of the damage. Some people with SCI regain some or all of their function, while others experience permanent paralysis. Recovering from a spinal cord injury can be difficult. Depending on the extent of the injury, you may face a long healing journey. Fortunately, there are resources available that can provide significant help. If you’re not in need of advice, read on to learn about the process of recovering from a spinal cord injury.

What is the process of recovering from a spinal cord injury?


Inpatient rehabilitation is often needed after a spinal cord injury. This is a time when the individual can focus on their rehabilitation and work with a team of specialists who can help them improve their function. The rehab team may include physiatrists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and nutritionists. Inpatient rehabilitation can last from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the person’s needs. It is a critical time for the individual to focus on their recovery and work towards returning to their everyday life.

When you are ready to move home, you should know that a spinal cord injury can result in a wide range of physical changes that may affect your ability to live independently. Many people with a spinal cord injury will require home modifications for accessibility in order to maintain their quality of life. In particular, your bathroom may need some remodeling. Fortunately, remodeling companies like this bathroom remodel Fort Worth can assist you with all your needs. Grab bars, shower benches, and non-slip mats are all smart investments for anyone who has accessibility needs.

Additionally, a spinal cord injury can affect your general mobility. You may need to use a wheelchair or other mobility device to get around. If you are unable to walk, you will need to make arrangements for home care or for moving into a long-term care facility. You may even need to find a new job that is more suited to your abilities. There are a lot of lifestyle changes that go along with a major injury, but they can vary depending on your individual situation.

How can you protect the health of your back?


When it comes to the health of your back, exercise is key. By regularly engaging in physical activity, you can protect your back from injury and keep it strong and flexible. There are many different exercises that can improve the health of your back, and many of them can be done right at home. One of the best exercises for protecting your back is stretching. Stretching keeps your muscles limber and flexible, which can help reduce the risk of injury. There are several stretches that can improve the health of your back, and many of them can be done right at home.

Sleep is essential for overall health and wellbeing, and is especially important for back health. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body is unable to properly heal and regenerate tissues. This can lead to increased inflammation and a weakened immune system. Lack of sleep can also increase your risk of developing chronic back pain. To ensure you’re getting the most out of your sleep, make sure your sleeping environment is dark, quiet, and comfortable. Use a good quality mattress and pillow, and limit television, computer, and phone use before bed.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovering from a spinal cord injury, so it is crucial to work with your doctor and physical therapist to come up with a plan that meets your specific needs. The recovery process often starts with some type of outpatient or inpatient rehab. When you are able to live on your own, you may need home modifications or assistive devices, which can take time to adjust to. Your lifestyle choices will also play a significant role in your overall quality of life. If you follow this advice, you’ll be well on your way to healing.

2021 Gift Ideas You Can’t Go Wrong With

Sometimes one of the hardest things to do for people you care about is giving them a gift that you truly feel they would love. You might not know if they would enjoy it, use it, or just throw it away in a few months to avoid hoarding clutter. As the digital age continues to thrive and we welcome new technology each year, it seems like gift-giving just becomes more difficult.

If people don’t want cute and sentimental knickknacks, and you can’t afford to buy them an expensive piece of technology, what options are you left with? We are going to go over some of the best and most practical gifts you can give your loved ones this year so you aren’t scrambling when the time comes.

1. Help them store memories.


The days of having photos printed at the local grocery store are unfortunately over and digital memories are the new trend. Not only do people not have the time with their hustle and bustle lifestyle we have adapted to, but there are so many different ways today to use a picture storage device to stow our most precious memories and do with them what we wish.

One gift you can’t go wrong with is giving them an easy, bulletproof way to ensure these memories can be stored and organized for good. Photo storage devices today can store hundreds of thousands of photos and hundreds of hours of videos. They are typically compatible with several different types of devices including laptops, PC, smartphones, social media, mobile app,s and the cloud, such as Google photos. Fortunately, most photo storage devices today can be bought for under $100 and come with a money-back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied.

2. What do they enjoy doing in their spare time?


The person you are searching for a gift for most likely has one or more hobbies that they enjoy. If they enjoy cooking, try buying them some new fancy kitchen utensils that they can perfect their craft with. If they enjoy photography, perhaps they would enjoy some practical camera accessories they have been putting off buying for themselves.

Whatever it is that they enjoy outside of work and family life, try to find something they wouldn’t want to spoil themselves with, but definitely deserve. These types of gifts are great because they are personal and memorable.

3. You can’t go wrong with food and drinks.


One of the most practical gifts that you can purchase for someone is food. We all eat food, and most of us enjoy it, even more, when we don’t have to buy it ourselves. You probably know what types of food and drinks your gift recipient enjoys, so put together a list of ways that you can put something together such as a basket, gift card, or by cooking them a meal.

If they are health-conscious consumers perhaps they would enjoy a box of fresh, organic pineapple or grapefruit. If they enjoy drinking alcohol, you might consider giving them a case of their favorite cranberry hard seltzer or a bottle of liquor. They will be overjoyed when they find out that you know what they like and will surely put it to good use.

4. Gift them a mini vacation.


We aren’t saying you should go all out and book them a 7-day vacation at a resort, but if you think in smaller terms this could be a great gift for someone who loves taking a short weekend adventure out of town. Whether you book them a cute cottage on Airbnb or tickets to an amusement park, they will never forget this type of gift.

5. Buy them a service they use regularly.


One of the most practical gifts someone can receive is a service they regularly use in their life. Whether it’s unlimited car washes each month or housekeeping service, they will be overjoyed when they realize they don’t have to pay the monthly fee for a service they would be using anyway. Even if it’s an online service such as a Netflix subscription, they will be appreciative of the gesture.

5 Keys to Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Whether you’re a burgeoning bodybuilder or want to slim down by springtime, setting health and fitness goals isn’t solely a New Year-fueled event. Fitness goals vary by person, and like those people, come from every shape and size. Focusing on muscle growth, fat loss, increased endurance, or simple health improvements, improving your body and mind through achievable fitness goals is always a good idea. But just setting goals isn’t enough to see progress, much less a significant impact. A few tools and tricks in your fitness toolkit will fuel you through workouts, diet, and other weight loss or muscle growth efforts.

Track Your Progress


While your measures will vary by a goal, there’s almost always a way to track your progress toward them. You can track weight, of course, but measurements of key areas like your hips, waist, or neck are also popular options for following muscle growth or fat loss. Photographs are a particularly helpful option, too, especially if you typically struggle to see the changes in your body when you look in the mirror. Take the time to regularly snap a photo of yourself in a similar (or the same) outfit. For long-term goals or added privacy, a photo storage device can ensure your photos are secure and accessible throughout your journey so that you can compare your progress before and after without the need to keep track of an SD card. That way, when your friends enthuse over your new look, you can see yourself as they do.

Don’t Hyperfocus on the Scale


Even if your primary goal is weight loss, avoid the temptation to focus solely on the number that appears on your scale. From water retention to increased muscle mass, your body will undergo a series of changes—and a variety of weight fluctuations—throughout your fitness journey. If you’re only looking to the scale for reassurance, you’ll be discouraged when the number rises, even if your clothes are fitting better and you’re feeling yourself grow stronger. Remember: whether you find the right natural diuretic to minimize water weight or your body holds on to a few extra pounds as it gains muscle strength, if the number on the scales is rising, it isn’t always a bad thing.

Ease Any Issues That Arise


From injuries to edema, stumbling blocks can interfere with your fitness plans no matter how much you do everything the “right” way. Rest when your body needs it and try supplements like SwellNoMore to treat inflammation, swelling, and, of course, water retention and consequential weight gain. Soothing your swollen ankles after a heavy workout or even relaxing your puffy eyes after a poor night’s sleep, decreasing harmful inflammation in your body really will make a difference. By treating the less-than-fun symptoms that appear as you aim to reach your fitness goals, you’ll help your body to become healthier and stronger—making you happier in the process.

Keep Yourself Motivated


Even with clear markers of your progress, proper nutrients, and fewer symptoms than ever, you won’t always feel like working out. Keep yourself motivated by booking that dance-workout class you’ve been meaning to try or treating yourself to your favorite protein shake after beating your personal best. Remember: you don’t need to wait until you’ve met your big goals. Keep track of milestones along the way to stay encouraged and excited about your fitness plan.

Pay Attention to Your Diet


You might lose body fat and enhance muscle growth by adding regular workouts to your schedule but the best way to meet your fitness goals is to combine those workouts with proper diet and nutrition. Aim to highlight more natural ingredients in your meal plan, whether you’re chugging a protein shake on your way to the gym or cooking a fancy meal for date night.

When fruits, vegetables, and full grains don’t quite meet your needs, seek out natural supplements to add extra nutrients, and help you meet your goals⁠. Seeking out the best bodybuilding supplements, appetite-curbing workout shakes, or simple multivitamin can help supercharge your success. Incorporate whole foods as well as adding some high-quality supplements to your diet and watch your goals become a reality.

From battling edema and inflammation, striving for weight loss, or working to gain muscle mass, fitness goals vary. But, whether you’re a bodybuilder, training for a marathon, or just want to get through a yoga class effortlessly, you can reach those goals⁠—one supplement, workout, meal, and progress photo at a time.

Meeting Your Medical Malpractice Lawyer: How to Dress and What to Prepare

Medical malpractice claims the lives of over 250,000 Americans each year. Hundreds of thousands of other patients may be adversely affected by inadequate medical care. In some cases, individuals must have additional medical procedures to compensate for a doctor’s error. Others may suffer from short-term disabilities or become permanently disabled. The total payout to plaintiffs in medical malpractice lawsuits in the United States was over $4 billion in payments in 2018.

If you believe you’ve experienced medical malpractice, you should meet with a medical malpractice attorney to discuss your claim. Use these tips to locate a lawyer and prepare for your consultation.

Research Attorneys


When you need to hire an attorney, you must find a lawyer specializing in the appropriate field of law. Lawyers review case law that pertains to their area of expertise to ensure they’re aware of the latest rulings and legal precedents that may affect their clients. Perform a Google search for “medical malpractice attorneys” in your area and review their profile. Law firms list the names of the lawyers who work for them. Google search the lawyers’ names to locate their LinkedIn profile and articles about cases they’ve argued. Review any client testimonials on their site and check for reviews of the firm.

Reading this information can help you feel confident about the quality of representation you will receive and give you a sense of which lawyer you would be most comfortable with. Lawyers typically offer a free consultation to potential clients, which means you can meet without assuming any financial risks and get a professional evaluation of your case.

How to Dress


As a client, you are not required to adhere to a dress code, but it’s human nature to form impressions based on how a person presents themselves. You want to convey that you take this legal matter seriously and have made an effort to prepare thoroughly which you can do that by pairing a nice pair of black pants, which are appropriate business formal attire. Complete the look with a dress shirt or a blouse and blazer.

How to Prepare

A medical malpractice case requires the wrongdoing of the medical professional or team that resulted in an injury. You will need to establish the malpractice that occurred and how you were harmed.

Take time to document the series of events that led to your injury. Detailed information, including dates, staff names, locations, and potential witnesses, can be used to verify your account and determine who may be at fault.

If you’re unable to write, make an audio or video recording with the relevant information. Over time, details may become fuzzy, and creating an account with all the details will ensure your information is as accurate and thorough as possible.

You may also want to talk to witnesses who can support your account. If family or friends were present, they might be able to provide additional details about the incident that led to your injury.

What to Bring


Bring copies of all relevant medical records. Insurance claims, prescriptions, and deductible payments can all be used to substantiate when you were treated and what treatment you received.

Have your documentation available by printing them out or email a written account. Video and audio files can also be played via email.

Create a list of relevant witnesses and their contact information. Your attorney can use this information to question witnesses and verify your account. Witnesses may be crucial to your case if you go to court.

Your lawyer will need to know the medical staff’s names involved in your treatment and which staff were parties to the malpractice. You may opt to do some research on any doctors involved to determine if they have a history of malpractice or have settled other cases, or you can let your legal team conduct that researches themselves.

You will also need to establish how the injury you sustained has impacted your life. Your lawyer should know if you have been unable to work, perform routine tasks, or engage in recreational activities.

Keep a file with all receipts for expenses related to your injury. You may have been required to take medications, see a physical therapist, pay for people to clean your home, or have home health aides provide in-home care. These expenses are factors that will be relevant when determining an appropriate settlement.