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5 Ways to Look and Feel Your Best This Fall

Fall is right around the corner. Before we know it, those winter months will be barreling down on us. As the seasons change it is always important to keep your health and beauty regimen up to date. Incorporating small changes in your regimen can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself.

1. Get a facial

Facials are a perfect way to treat yourself every time it changes seasons. Facials cleanse and hydrate your skin while also rejuvenating it. Most facials include exfoliation which is meant to removed dead skin cells and allow new cells to grow. The extra oomph of moisturizer lets the skin soak up nutrients that are meant to promote the health of your skin. If you are looking for an all-natural product to add to your bathroom counter CBD beauty products are a great investment. Infused versions of lotion and mascara are all the rage and will keep you feeling young and beautiful.

2. Go shopping!

Autumn is a great time to bring in some new clothing items. A nice leather jacket is perfect for this time of year and keeps you looking edgy. Many women also opt for the cool womens poncho. Ponchos have gotten a complete overall and look totally different from their original silhouette ten years ago. Current ponchos tend to look more like capes and are available in lots of variations of colors and patterns. They are perfect to wear around the holidays too in case you indulge in a bit too much turkey.

3. Go to the dentist.

While it may not be your favorite tip, we included it because it’s such an important one. Keeping your teeth nice and healthy is key to keeping your self looking healthy and feeling good about yourself. Regular cleaning to remove plaque build-up is imperative. By putting off the dentist the plaque helps bacteria grow that can cause gum disease. Many dentists also offer fluoride treatments that help strengthen your tooth enamel. You’ll feel better knowing you don’t have any cavities and can continue smiling right on through fall.

4. Walk more.

Did you know that walking is one of the most underrated ways to exercise? Nowadays many of us have step trackers to keep us moving about and not stagnant on the couch. Walking has multiple health benefits especially for increasing cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness. Walking can not only reduce your risk of a stroke but improve conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Just walking for 30 mins a day can help clear your head and relieve any stress you may have about the day ahead. Once you start making it a priority you will quickly come to enjoy the special time for yourself. A Stanford University study found that walking increased creative output by an average of 60 percent. Just by walking, you open yourself up to a free flow of ideas and problem-solving. Not only are you getting a good workout, you are boosting your mood as well.

5. Step out of your beauty comfort zone.

We all can tend to get in a rut, especially as summer is winding down and we are preparing for the holidays and cold weather. Instead of letting your self go, try something a bit outside the box. For example, if you usually have clear nails try adding a pop of color to them instead. Or if you wear your hair down to work every day try a cute updo. People will take notice and before you know it you’ll be bombarded with compliments which will make you feel pretty good!

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