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5 Things You Can Be Doing to Slow Climate Change

Climate change refers to significant shifts in weather patterns. It isn’t synonymous with global warming, although these terms are often used that way. Climate change includes global warming. Human activities that produce greenhouse gas emissions cause global warming, which changes the climate.

The effects of changes to the climate are widespread and catastrophic. As glaciers melt, sea levels rise. Temperatures are rising, and frost-free seasons are increasing. Consequently, more regions are suffering from droughts and prolonged fire seasons, which led to some of the worst fire seasons on record in California and Australia in 2020. Warmer temperatures are also enabling more hurricanes to form and strengthen and preventing hurricanes from breaking up once they reach land. The number and severity of storms are increasing, with 2020 producing the highest number of tropical cyclones on record. Environmental damage has severe implications for people and the planet, but you can take some crucial steps to do your part to slow climate change.

1. Support organizations dedicated to protecting the environment.

Join organizations that are fighting to improve the climate. Get involved with the Climate Leadership Council. The founding members include environmental leaders such as theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and Christiana Figueres, the former Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Climate Leadership Council focuses on supporting a viable climate solution to reduce greenhouse gases. Their membership includes business leaders, underscoring the importance of working with businesses to find practical solutions to environmental issues without shutting businesses down or significantly increasing operating costs. Whether you’re interested in volunteering or providing financial sponsorship, you can help slow environmental damage from global warming by supporting organizations dedicated to the cause.

You can also invest in mental health support for individuals affected by the repercussions of global warming. Farmers experience stress and financial hardship when crops are destroyed by drought. Individuals who’ve lost their homes to floods and wildfires also suffer from emotional strain. When people are affected by threats to their livelihood or primary needs, such as shelter, it can be hard for them to focus on environmental issues. Find therapists who understand the implications of climate-related disasters and offer in-person therapy, teletherapy, or online therapy sessions. Promote these counselors to people who are adversely affected by environmental issues. If you’re able, you may also be able to finance therapy for individuals who can benefit from counseling.

2. Protect natural habitats, plant trees, and keep oxygen-producing plants.

Pollution causes global warming. Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere rise, they absorb solar radiation. Without a buildup of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, solar radiation would drift into space. When toxins accumulate in the atmosphere, they trap the radiation in, which causes temperatures to rise. In turn, growing seasons increase, which also affects air quality. Longer growing seasons result in more pollen being produced. Tropical storms cause flooding, which produces mold that’s circulated in the air. Consequently, more people have asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

Low oxygen levels are also contributing to global warming because oxygen typically creates a protective barrier that reduces the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth. When oxygen levels are low, more sunlight breaks through the atmosphere. The sunlight produces water vapor—which is a greenhouse gas—because it causes water to evaporate.

Keeping potted patio plants and houseplants is an effective way to improve air quality and increase oxygen levels. Plants such as Lady Palm, Umbrella Plant, and an assortment of palm plants are some of the plants that most effectively improve air quality. Plants absorb carbon dioxide, which means they reduce the carbon dioxide levels in the air.

They also absorb light and water, which reduces the amount of sunlight trapped inside the earth’s atmosphere and water volume that vaporizes. As a result, investing in potted patio plants is one of the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Plants also produce oxygen. The extra foliage can also shield your windows from sunlight. Fill your patio with plants to reduce the amount of full sun that enters your home. This will help keep your home’s temperatures cool in the summer. If you’re a homeowner, care for your trees or add trees and annuals, such as geraniums, to your outdoor space. By extracting harmful elements from the air, plants improve air quality and prevent environmental damage from greenhouse gases.

Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and reducing oxygen volume. Trees ingest carbon and store it. Like plants, trees also produce oxygen. This means you can reduce carbon dioxide levels in the air by planting trees.

3. Reduce the amount of energy you use.

Your energy consumption is one of the primary ways you contribute to global warming, which is why reducing your energy consumption is one of the most effective ways you can protect the environment.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that heat and cool your home consume a lot of energy. You can reduce your heating bills by investing in energy-efficient windows. Search for “Grand Traverse window replacement” to find a window installation company in your area that specializes in energy-efficient window replacement. Old windows are drafty, and the unwanted airflow increases the demand for heat in the winter and cool air in the summer. Replacing your windows will prevent unwanted airflow and reduce the amount of time your HVAC unit operates, which will save you money and reduce the number of fossil fuels you’re burning.

You can expand your energy conservation by reducing your hot water tank’s temperature by 20°F. Use cold water when you’re brushing your teeth and washing clothes. These steps will decrease the volume of hot water you use, which will reduce the amount of time your water heater will need to operate. You can expand your savings by decreasing showers by one minute per person per shower, which will conserve water and further reduce your hot water consumption.

Conserve more energy by focusing on cold meals, such as salads, during the warm summer months so you don’t have to run appliances that will heat your home. You can also use a barbecue for cooking outside. Barbecuing food will decrease the amount of time you run your stove and oven, which will reduce the amount of time your AC unit needs to run to cool your home.

4. Invest in renewable energy and energy-efficient appliances.

Renewable energy is more affordable than ever, and you can help slow climate change by switching to renewable energy sources. Although this could mean investing in solar panels, it can also mean researching energy companies to find companies focusing on renewable energy sources. Solar and wind power are the leading sources of renewable energy. When you purchase your energy from companies using solar and wind power, you’ll decrease fossil fuel demand. This helps reduce the volume of carbon emissions and reduces global warming.

Additionally, you can expand your impact on the environment by investing in energy-efficient appliances. Energy-efficient appliances use less energy than older appliances.

5. Reduce your carbon footprint.

Every person produces greenhouse gases. The amount of greenhouse gases you create is your carbon footprint. You can help the environment by reducing the size of your carbon footprint.

One way to reduce your carbon footprint is by recycling. When people recycle, they decrease the demand for resources, preventing deforestation, and the environmental damage caused by drilling for oil and manufacturing products. Recycling also reduces the volume of materials entering landfill sights, which can cause environmental damage and produce greenhouse gases.

Reducing food waste can also reduce your carbon footprint. Plan meals carefully and reduce the amount of food waste you create by freezing leftovers. When you do have food waste, compost it instead of adding it to the garbage going to the landfill. Bagged food waste rots in the bag and produces methane gas, which is a greenhouse gas. Composting allows the soil to absorb the nutrients, and the food doesn’t rot and produce greenhouse gases.

Supporting organizations devoted to protecting the environment, growing plants and trees, reducing energy consumption, investing in renewable energy, and reducing your carbon footprint are effective ways of slowing climate change. You can have a significant impact on the environment with some simple lifestyle adjustments. While you’re helping the environment, you can enjoy the benefits of cleaner air and reduced energy expenses.

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